Helping Your Kids Conserve the Environment

Sneaky Places Dangerous Lead Could Be Hiding and That Every Parent of a Small Child Should Know About

by Clinton Graves

As the parent of a little one, you have to be constantly concerned about what they pick up and put in their mouths for a lot of reasons, but if there is something containing lead around, you have even bigger concerns. Lead poisoning can lead to a whole host of problems for young children, and these problems range from learning disabilities to developmental disorders. You probably know to be on the lookout for peeling paint if you live in an older home, but there are many other places lead can be hiding. Be on high alert for these sneaky ways your child could be exposed to dangerous lead products.

Be on the lookout for cosmetic products containing lead.

Keeping makeup and other cosmetics away from your child is always important because these products are not safe for children. However, cosmetics can also contain lead. While the United States has the FDA to regulate just how much lead goes into manufactured cosmetics, the same does not always hold true with cosmetics from outside countries. Therefore, it is worth further investigation if you have cosmetics in your makeup bag that were not manufactured in the US. Regardless, make sure you keep all cosmetics out of little hands just to be safe.

Stay alert to lead-containing jewelry pieces.

You may have a lot of fun with your little one playing dress up and slipping one of your inexpensive necklaces over their head or giving them a bracelet to wear around the house, but you have to be extremely careful with jewelry. There are many costume-jewelry pieces that have lead-based metals and parts. Therefore, if your little one is putting these items in their mouth, it can lead to overexposure to lead. In one study of collected costume-jewelry pieces, over half had more than the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)'s allowable level of lead.

Keep adult novelty items out of your child's reach.

Novelty items, whether they are gag gifts someone handed you at the office party or otherwise, should be kept away from children. Novelty items manufactured for adults do not have the same standards where lead inclusion is concerned because there is no risk of an adult putting the item in their mouth. Therefore, many adult novelty items do have high levels of lead and should never be given to your child to play with. Keep these items out of reach for safety.

Talk to a company such as ENVIROTECH Inc to learn more.
